Tuesday 5 May 2015

Flitwick Manor - Love is in the air

 Visited: Flitwick Manor
Website: Flitwick Manor Hotel Website

 At the moment our life's seem to be full of special occasions and this was no exception. We spent the night at this amazing hotel following my sisters (Heather) and Ross (now official brother-in-law) secret wedding. So this is another special breakfast blog, but sadly we are missing Craig and Monika again but I couldn't miss an opportunity to do what I love most and write about a breakfast experience.

The wedding party was only small and for breakfast we only had 7 of us plus my little people Evan and Molly. So it was me, Lewis, Heather, Ross, mine and Heathers mum and dad (Lynda and Geraint) Ross mum (Cathie), Kevin and little Rach.

The lady that was serving us the night before told us that we were all set up ready for breakfast in the library (all very fancy). We all met at 9.15 where there was a little selection of continental food set up for us to dig in to, all of which was lovely and a young lady soon turned up to offer us our toast and tea and coffee. We were told to have a look through the menu and they would be back to take our order.

This was my type of menu full of fish and eggs but with the obvious choice of a full English too. Now the price scared me so it was a good thing it was included in the room price, £18.00 for a full English and £9 for the lighter breakfast options. It took me ages to decide between the eggs benedict, dippy duck eggs and scrambled eggs and smoked salmon but I eventually went with smoked salmon and scrambled eggs. Lewis, my mum and dad, Heather and Ross went for the full English, little Rach went with salmon with poached eggs, Ross mum also had the smoked salmon and scrambled egg (dairy free) and Kevin had eggs benedict . There were a few small hiccups on delivering the food to the table (a couple of wrong items on plates) but I really couldn't complain as I think I had pretty much half a salmon on my plate, happy days. The full English seems a little pricy to me but you are paying above average for location and service, plus we had our own special private breakfast room. Because we had our own special room the kitchen must of been a little way from where we were eating as the poor girl serving us looked like she had run a marathon by the end of it.  This was a lovely way to end a beautiful couple of days and would highly recommend a stay at Flitwick manor, especially in the room we stayed in, number 7 as it's the most haunted room in the house, good thing I found this out after my stay! As anyone that really knows me knows I'm the biggest wimp out there.

Price - I don't think the full English is worthy of an £18 price tag however as part of the room price you can't complain.  5/10

Quality - Lovely food, my salmon was excellent but nothing else stood out. 6/10

Quantity - The full English breakfasts were not vast, but I did get a lot of salmon with mine, there was a good supply of continental which you can full up on. 5/10

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