Wednesday 29 April 2015

Moores Walk Cafe St Neots

Visited: Moores Walk Cafe St Neots

Following a couple of weeks off breakfast club we decided that we needed a trip to our old favourite Moores Walk Cafe plus it was for a special occasion as we were getting our youngest breakfast club member christened! Miss Molly. This meant that we had some extra guests to our breakfast club but sadly Monika and Craig were not able to come, even without their presence we spent about half an hour rearranged the whole cafe to accommodate us. And one of the reasons this is one of our favourite's is because they go out of their way to make you feel welcome, no matter how much of a pain in the back side we are.  

Right, unlike previous blogs this is really what breakfast club is about a good old fashioned cafe! This cafe is one we have returned to not just once or twice either which is breaking one of breakfast clubs rules but how can you deny a good friendly cafe that goes out of their way to please and the fact that there are breakfast options that come with burgers, chips and onion rings is a bonus. Evan started the ordering process and went for a milkshake which then spurred me and my cousin Russ to do the same, and what a good choice it was. Food wise we all went for different variations of a British fry up apart from Heather who went for beans on toast, Lewis that went for his favourite omelette and hash brown combo and Lauren (Russ' other half) that went for the poached eggs with a few sides thrown in. Our other guests to breakfast club were Chris and Holly but as they were sat at the other end of the table and I was too busy being covered in baby porridge didn't really get chance to see what they choose off the vast menu, but I heard no complaints. We even had the lovely lady that served us offer to take a photo for us so you have all our mug shots in this one. Even though we were in a rush to head off to get glammed up ready for Molly's christening we somehow can't help a little visit to the neighbouring pet shop, haven't a clue why but woody didn't mind us coming home baring gifts. 

Price - You get a lot of food for your money 8/10

Quality - Traditional cafe style food, good filing food you get what you pay for. The other quality part of this cafe is the service honestly can't do enough for you. 7/10

Quantity - plenty plenty plenty, I would never expect anyone to come here for breakfast and leave hungry.  9/10

Tuesday 7 April 2015

Pavilion at Bedford Park

Visited: The Pavilion at Bedford Park
Website: Pavilion Bedford Park

Following a suggestion from a friend we had decided to check out the Pavilion at Bedford Park. We had called at 9am to see if we could book a table as catering for 6 adults, a 3year old and two babies in buggies can be a tough ask especially for somewhere so small. We were told we couldn't book but that they weren't busy so could pretty much guarantee us a spot. Well the weather was glorious so we decided to take the dogs (our spaniel woody, and Monika and Craig's dogs Dixie and Snoopy aka Brown Dog). Now we are really testing out their facilities!

When we arrived we managed to find a beautiful spot outside and after rearranging their benches to accommodate us all we finally got round to ordering. The menu isn't vast but they really did have something to please us all. Monika and Craig stuck to their tradition and had the pavilion breakfast (English breakfast) and Lewis followed suit, I had my favourite eggs Benedict, Heather had toast and preserves and Ross had scrambled egg with bacon. The only negative that we came up with was that the English breakfasts didn't come with baked beans however the rest of the food was excellent quality and the Lingers Butchers sausages were beautiful. The service was also excellent and a few added touches really made this special, such as providing dog treats for our four legged guests, toys for Evan and the weather helped too (however all the runners running by us whilst we are delving into a breakfast made me feel a little guilty) . Me, Heather and Ross were still a little peckish after (runner obviously didn't make us feel that bad) so we even sampled one of their beautiful cakes for a "breakfast dessert" and the ice cream van arrived in the nick of time to make Evans breakfast one to remember. We finished up by having a little walk around the park. Perfect!

Price - This was top end of the price range again, with mine, Lewis and Evans breakfast costing £23 however I would say it's well worth it as a treat 6/10

Quality - Beautiful quality, the ham with my eggs Benedict and the Lingers Butchers sausages were stunning 9/10

Quantity - Good size just lacked the baked beans for the English breakfast eaters 8/10